We all know that Bhagavan Krishna had eight special wives and then another 16,000 wives . Often people misinterpret and talk with contempt about Bhagavan's gruhasthaashramam or life as a householder. But there is a deep spiritual significance for this story of 16,008 wives. According to the science of yoga, we have six chakraas including the hrudaya chakram and sahasraara chakram on our head. Let us take the chakra in our chest which is in the form of a lotus with eight petals. These eight petals represent the eight directions whose lord is Bhagavan Himself. This means Bhagavan is the Lord of our heart which can be directed to all eight directions of this universe. This explains the concept of eight wives of Bhagavan. Now take the sahasraara chakram which is in the form of a lotus with thousand petals. It is said that Bhagavan dwells in each dalam or petal with all His sixteen attributes or shodasha kalaas. So there are a total of 16,000 attributes of Bhag...