We have noticed that Narada Muni never stays in one place. He was not
like other chiranjeevis like Vyaasa Muni, Hanumanji or any other
devotees and Rishis. He travels constantly in the universe chanting
the namaas of Lord. There is a story behind Narada Muni's continuous
world travel.
The story starts with the second Daksha prajapathi who was the son of
Prachetas. Daksha prajapathi married a woman called Aseekni. But they
did not have children for a long time. So they did tapas and Brahma
appeared and gave Daksha a boon for getting samkalpa puthraas or
maanasa puthraas twice. This means that he can pray and wish twice to
get sons and they will be created by Brahma through samkalpam and not
through Daksha's wife.
They came back to palace and Daksha prajaapathi prayed and and did
samkalpam for sons to be born. Then immediately he got ten thousand
sons who were called Haryaswaas. They were born in their youth form.So
Daksha told them to go to the forest and do tapas to increase their
power and energy. After that he wanted all of them to marry and beget
children to increase the population. Srushti or creation was still
taking place very slow.
They went to the forest and as usual Narada Muni visited them with a
purpose. He told them how stupid is to get married and get in to this
worldly wheel of attachment and sorrow . He convinced them that
renouncing this world and seeking salvation is the right thing to do
for a human who is blessed with the power of discrimination. So they
never went back to the palace.
Daksha was very upset and decided to use his second boon. This time he
got thousand sons. They are called Shabalaaswaas. Daksha sent them
also to the forest and again Narada muni went and persuaded them to
take sanyaasam. They also rejected the material world and became
When Daksha knew about the decision of his sons, he was very angry at
Naradaa muni and cursed him that he would never be able to stay in one
place. Narada muni accepted the curse happily and to him it was like a
blessing in disguise. This curse was helpful in avoiding attachment to
any place or people. In his eyes everybody was Narayanan! He
disssolved all his attachment in Bhakthi and toured the whole world
spreading bhakthi and still he does!
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