I was reading a book called The Hindu Mind and the author's
explanation gave me food for thought. So I would like to share the
same with all of you.
He says destiny and free wiill can be connected using an equation
S= ExWxD, where S stands for individual success, E for individual
effort, W for for Divine will and D for destiny or effect of prarabdha
So success is possible only with our effort E, God's blessings or will
W and if the effect of our prabdha karma is favorable. God;s blessings
is a must in any situation. Let us look at a few scenarios. As per the
1. Even if our prarabdha karma D is favorable, if effort E is zero,
success S will be zero.
2. Even if we put in all effort E , if the effect of our karma D is
not favorable, then also success S is zero.
3. Now effort E is superb, karma D is all positive, Success S should
be proportionatley big.
Now in all the three cases, the effect of God' blessings can change
the situation. Nothing is impossible for Him.
So what are we advised to do? Always surreneder to Him. His blessings
can nullify the negative effect of even the prarabdha karma. When
complete surrender becomes possible, the equations reduces to
S= W, but until then it is a function of effort, destiny and so many
other known and unknown variables author did not mention.
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